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Did you know: healthy trees can help to slow and sometimes even stop a raging forest fire!

The flaming tree in the photo above is a perfect example of how a dead or unhealthy tree can quickly turn into a major fire hazard. A healthy tree that has been cared for by eradicating the parasites that kill parts of the tree, should be totally alive with no dead wood in it--and is not an ideal fuel for any fire to burn--but is actually a fire retardant. Healthy trees will help to stop a forward-moving fire. The wood from a healthy tree is full of water so much so, that a piece of firewood cut from a live tree will sometimes weigh three times as much as that same piece of wood once it is dried. The healthy tree is literally filled with and holds water like a sponge. It will not readily burn, but will put out great amounts of smoke (unburned particles) when put into an environment where fire has made the surrounding temperature sometimes hundreds of degrees hotter. Before the wood can burn, first the heat of the existing fires must dry the wood out. The wet wood will omit great amounts of smoke, which works to take the oxygen out of the healthy fire. Oxygen is necessary for a fire to burn and the smoke works to destroy oxygen, which is an accelerant that the fire depends on for energy to reach maximum efficiency and move rapidly. Oxygen to a fire is almost as powerful as vaporized petroleum is to a fire.
A piece of green healthy wood about firewood size (~18 inches,) will have about 8 to 10 pounds of water in it (water weighs approximately 8 pounds per gallon.) If you have a large campfire that was burning brightly and dumped one gallon of water on it, what would be the effect on the fire? It would greatly diminish or maybe even extinguish the before blazing fire. The wet wood in a healthy tree works the same way, as a barrier to slow the fire, not accelerate it.
If you build a campfire as large as a Volkswagen with dry wood then to feed the fire you put twenty 18 inch pieces of green firewood on it, what will happen? The green wood will not be fuel for the fire, but will help extinguish it. Smoke will be the first by-product of the green wet wood produced. The green wood will immediately shoot the humidity sky high in the fire dropping the temperature of the fire, and producing thick smoke which will remove much of the oxygen from the fire, which the fire needs to thrive.
The trees on the planet in the preceding millennia would have been burnt out completely without natural barriers for fires. Of course geography creates barriers, but walls of healthy trees can and have completely stopped fires as well. Countless past forest fires that have raged out of control were in thriving forests that contained partially dead groves of trees, which greatly accelerated the propagation and speed of such fires.
At Tree Doctor 911, we are the only company in America that offers a 5 month life warranty on your trees we treat and save. We have been in business since 1938--and have never every sprayed trees since the business began--because that chemical is poison to our pollinators and our beneficial insects, and can be deadly to animals, people and many beneficial parts of the environment. We microinject all of our medicine we use systemically into the tree in order to minimize harm to anything that does not attack the tree directly.